Blickfeld GmbH

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80339 München

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Blickfeld: The Smart 3D Security LiDAR QbProtect – GSA25 Finalist Shortlist Highlight
28.05.2024 • ProductSafety

Blickfeld: The Smart 3D Security LiDAR QbProtect – GSA25 Finalist Shortlist Highlight

The Smart 3D Security LiDAR Blickfeld QbProtect enables reliable detection of unauthorized entry threats in complex physical security applications, minimizing false alarms through object size-based threat assessment.

Detecting Intrusions into Critical Infrastructure with Unrivaled Reliability
24.01.2024 • TopstoriesSecurity

Detecting Intrusions into Critical Infrastructure with Unrivaled Reliability

While the focus when protecting critical infrastructures in recent years has predominantly been on cybersecurity, current events have underscored the need to shift the attention to physical security again. For instance, substations are often the target of metal theft because valuable copper cables are installed or stored there. Intruders cause significant damage, breaking through gates and fences, resulting in substantial costs, some in the six-figure range.

Smart LiDAR for the Security Industry
22.01.2024 • NewsSecurity

Smart LiDAR for the Security Industry

According to Blickfeld, the Blickfeld QbProtect is the first smart LiDAR that, thanks to analysis software, standard interfaces, and a web GUI on-device, provides directly usable results concerning unauthorized entry. Object size detection leads to a remarkably low false alarm rate.