Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA

Revalstr. 1
23560 Lübeck

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Dräger: Digital service concept Inara – GSA25 Finalist
27.05.2024 • ProductSafety

Dräger: Digital service concept Inara – GSA25 Finalist

Dräger Inara is a future-proof service concept for monitoring critical work on industrial sites. With Inara, on-site safety guards can be easily rented.

The Takeaway Lab: An All-In-One Device
27.09.2021 • TopstoriesSafety

The Takeaway Lab: An All-In-One Device

Detecting hazardous substances in the smallest concentrations and measuring them precisely is a major challenge, and not only for industry. With the Dräger X-act 7000, carcinogens or other hazardous substances can be measured more quickly and precisely than ever before – in refineries, hospitals, in fire services or even in a space shuttle! Bettina Runge, Dräger Product Manager, explains in an interview with GIT SECURITY how an innovative measuring solution opens up new possibilities for customers’ measurement strategies.