Dragonfruit AI Inc.

3 E 3rd Avenue, Ste. 225
94401 San Mateo

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Dragonfruit AI is the industry’s first massively-scalable video AI platform, combining consumer-grade usability with enterprise-grade capability. Our patented, award-winning technology delivers the most advanced AI analytics, deeply integrated with cloud video management. The cloud-native solution is designed for bandwidth-constrained environments, and powers instant-on advanced analytics priced by consumption. Our flexibility, customizability, and effortless deployment help companies seamlessly transform their video data into business intelligence

Dragonfruit AI has offices in US, South Africa and India, and has raised $10MM in venture funding from Foundation Capital and other investors.


Dragonfruit Frontier Provides Cost-effective LPR Solution
22.05.2022 • ProductSecurity

Dragonfruit Frontier Provides Cost-effective LPR Solution

Dragonfruit has released a new video security solution. Frontier, the new fully integrated VMS and video analytics solution, delivers a software-only License Plate Recognition (LPR) solution that employs advanced AI technology vs. traditional image processing. 

Dragonfruit: New Cloud VMS Screener+ SaaS Solution
10.05.2022 • ProductSecurity

Dragonfruit: New Cloud VMS Screener+ SaaS Solution

False alarms drain the life out of security operations on so many levels by wasting valuable personnel resources and budget, and hampering overall situational awareness and security. Now, Dragonfruit Frontier Cloud VMS and video analytics users can automatically eliminate false alarms by as much as 99 percent with a new Video Verification as a Service called Screener+.