Honeywell Building Solutions GmbH

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63067 Offenbach am Main

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Survey reveals healthier buildings top the list of back-to-work priorities
30.06.2021 • TopstoriesSecurity

Survey reveals healthier buildings top the list of back-to-work priorities

More than half of all surveyed German facility managers say COVID-19 has caused them to permanently rethink how their facility operates.

Anatomy of a healthy building
11.06.2021 • NewsSecurity

Anatomy of a healthy building

Change has been a constant theme for the world in recent months. It’s been business as unusual. Many of us have changed where we work, how we socialize, how our children learn, and how we shop, and more. The full extent of our new normal is still unknown.

How Commercial Facilities Can Use Security Systems to Create a Safer Experience
03.05.2021 • NewsSecurity

How Commercial Facilities Can Use Security Systems to Create a Safer Experience

As a building owner or manager, safety and security is nothing new. But is your building return ready given the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on people?