Securiton GmbH | IPS Intelligent Video Software

Kronstadter Straße 4
81677 München

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Hersteller von high-end Videomanagementsoftware und intelligenter Videoanalysesoftware zur Echtzeiterkennung von potentiellen Gefahrensituationen.


IPS: Video Management System Software Update
22.06.2022 • TopstoriesSecurity

IPS: Video Management System Software Update

Zone and object masking, as well as people loitering

IPS Intelligent Video Software and Sovec sign partnership agreement
15.11.2021 • NewsManagement

IPS Intelligent Video Software and Sovec sign partnership agreement

IPS, Securiton's technology brand, has its first French solution partner, Sovec Entreprises SA, since 15 October 2021. Sovec is active in the video surveillance market in the north-east of France and installs professional video systems to protect its customers' facilities. Alain H. Benoit, Partner Manager EMEA at IPS says: "SOVEC has an excellent reputation in the industry and we are delighted to have such a competent company as a partner, which is an ideal fit for us."