SP Technical Research Institute


Tunnel Vision: A Smarter Route to Tunnel Safety
12.06.2013 • TopstoriesFire Protection

Tunnel Vision: A Smarter Route to Tunnel Safety

In 1999, 39 persons died in a major fire in the Mont Blanc tunnel. While aiming for high levels of tunnel safety, it is also important to make best use of public resources. Society...

Fire Safety: The Interpretation of Fire Regulations and Materials Testing
24.05.2013 • TopstoriesFire Protection

Fire Safety: The Interpretation of Fire Regulations and Materials Testing

The façade of a building is an important part of the building as it provides a significant proportion of the building's thermal insulation and is also the outward face of the build...

Evacuation Lifts: Future Solutions for High-Rise Buildings
01.08.2011 • TopstoriesFire Protection

Evacuation Lifts: Future Solutions for High-Rise Buildings

Evacuation of multistorey buildings in the event of fire is effected today almost exclusively via stairwells. However, the attack on the World Trade Center in New York in 2001 show...

Water Mist Protection  of Parking Garages
09.12.2010 • TopstoriesFire Protection

Water Mist Protection of Parking Garages

Fires in parking garages are becoming increasingly common, often resulting in serious damage in the form of direct fire damage and smoke damage. In addition, arson is very common. ...