Honeywell Security Group - Archive

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New Combined Honeywell Security and Fire Business Unit
19.10.2015 • News

New Combined Honeywell Security and Fire Business Unit

Honeywell has announced to its employees that the company is combining the Honeywell Security Group (HSG) and Honeywell Fire Safety (HFS) businesses to form the new Honeywell Secur...

Security for Hospitals: Caring for Healthcare
18.03.2014 • TopstoriesSecurity

Security for Hospitals: Caring for Healthcare

Opened by Her Majesty the Queen in June 2012 as part of her Diamond Jubilee celebrations, the Western Health and Social Care Trust's South West Acute Hospital is a brand new, state...

Progressing from Analog to Digital Surveillance
05.07.2011 • TopstoriesSecurity

Progressing from Analog to Digital Surveillance

IP is here and it offers a myriad of benefits. But navigating the road to IP requires careful consideration of many factors, from network infrastructure to physical security needs....

Considering the Transition from Analog to IP-based Surveillance
26.04.2011 • TopstoriesSecurity

Considering the Transition from Analog to IP-based Surveillance

When it comes to new security installations, Internet protocol (IP)-based systems are growing in prevalence as viable options alongside traditional analog-based approaches. IP is h...