Tamron Europe GmbH

Robert-Bosch-Str. 9
50769 Köln

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Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1950, arbeitet Tamron konsequent und mit viel Kreativität und Originalität an der Entwicklung hochpräziser optischer Produkte.


Lenses – Just a Camera Accessory?
12.06.2013 • TopstoriesSecurity

Lenses – Just a Camera Accessory?

Wikipedia begins the explanation of the term ‚Lens‘ in two short sentences as ­follows: „...A lens is an optical gathering system that produces a realistic optical image of an obje...

Two Lenses for High-definition IP Cameras
22.11.2012 • TopstoriesSecurity

Two Lenses for High-definition IP Cameras

Tamron wants to make the life of its installers and customers easier with the Double Vari-Focal solution: just two lenses cover the focal lengths most often needed in security appl...