14.04.2011 • News

EDA launches key work towards a European Technology non-Dependence Policy for Defence

EDA holds a high-level Conference in Budapest on European Technology non- Dependence (ETnD), on the 13-14 April, under the Hungarian EU Presidency. It brings together, for the firs...

EDA launches key work towards a European Technology non-Dependence Policy for...

EDA holds a high-level Conference in Budapest on European Technology non- Dependence (ETnD), on the 13-14 April, under the Hungarian EU Presidency. It brings together, for the first time, senior defence experts and policy makers from across Europe to discuss this subject. Some 150 participants are expected with representatives from the Member States, the European Commission, the European Space Agency, Industry and the Research Community.

The Conference addresses the challenges for improving access to the key enabling technologies that will underpin future defence capabilities and makes recommendations on future actions. Non-Dependence on key technologies - the possibility for Europe to have unrestricted access to any required technology - is a pre-condition for a robust, sustainable, globally competitive European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB).

EDA is proposing that its Member States develop a comprehensive European approach. Technological dependency limits the capabilities of the European Industry and their supporting research providers to respond to the evolving needs of the defence, space and security market. It can also seriously restrict EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) capabilities. Although excellent sectorial examples of ETnD exist, an overall European framework is lacking. Besides the identification and prioritisation of the critical technologies and supply chains, an ambitious roadmap linked to sustained investments is necessary to achieve adequate technology non-dependence on a European level.

ETnD is a major topic for Defence but it also has a wider strategic dimension for Europe. The topic fits well in the EDA R&T objectives and is consistent with the European Defence Research & Technology Strategy, approved by Ministers of Defence. Some critical technology areas which meet the criteria of Technology non-Dependence have already been identified and are subject to on-going EDA action. The goal of the Conference is to convince all stakeholders of the strategic importance of European Technology non-Dependence for Defence and the need for a proactive policy.

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