Security Essen: Outstanding Registration Level

From new smart home security solutions via intelligent drone systems right up to innovative concepts for event security: The fair for civil security will put itself on a new footin...

Security Essen: Outstanding Registration Level

From new smart home security solutions via intelligent drone systems right up to innovative concepts for event security: The fair for civil security will put itself on a new footing with regard to both its contents and spaces and, from September 25 to 28, 2018, will once more offer the answers to current challenges facing the economy and the society.

The fact that the structure will be oriented to the ranges offered by the exhibitors to an even greater extent in the future is going down well — strong interest is already emerging now and the first halls are almost fully booked.
The places are being allocated to the exhibitors and many companies have already decided in favour of booth positions. The good mood of the already registered companies is being reflected in the positive registration level: Elke Weniger-Viel, Senior Manager Marketing at dormakaba Deutschland GmbH: "security essen is very important to us as the global fair for civil security. Here, we can present the entire spectrum of our extensive product portfolio and, above all, also our innovations and new products to our customers, partners and interested parties. security essen 2016 was a great success for us and we are already looking forward to 2018."

New Main Subject Areas are Extremely Beneficial to Exhibitors and Visitors
The realignment is associated with a large number of advantages: Edwin Roobol, Regional Director / General Manager Middle Europe at Axis Communications GmbH:
“security essen is a must for us: There, we not only meet our partners and can hold discussions with journalists but also come into direct contact with decision takers in our sector. Therefore, the thematic division of the halls makes it immensely easier for us to coordinate the appointments — shorter distances to walk mean more time for discussions. We also welcome the fair's new main focal point of cyber security because the dangers of hacker attacks are present across different sectors — and precisely we as a manufacturer must not relinquish responsibility."

Cyber Security as a Future Subject: Congress Together with BSI and BHE
Hacker attacks are present in all media at the moment: In Germany alone, cyber attacks on German companies cause a damage total of around Euro 13 billion per year — with an upward tendency. security essen will react to this development and, with the new Hall 8, will reserve a separate hall for the subjects of Cyber Security and Economic Security for the first time. The subject field will be accompanied by a high-ranking specialist congress together with the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and BHE Federal Association for Security Technology. At the moment, the Programme Committee is being composed of experts in the sector.

Points for a Successful Future are Set
The fair for civil security is recognising the needs of the sector and is putting itself on a new footing: In the future, security essen will be divided into six superordinate subject worlds: Services in Hall 1, Access, Mechatronics, Mechanics and Systems in Halls 2 and 3 and in the Galeria, Video in Halls 4 and 5, Fire, Intrusion and Systems in Halls 6 and 7, Perimeter Protection in Hall 7 as well as Cyber Security and Economic Security in Hall 8. In this respect, security essen 2018 will already profit from the largely modernised site of Messe Essen. In addition to the new Halls 4, 6, 7 and 8, the new glass foyer will have been completed and will welcome both exhibitors and visitors at the East Fair Building.

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