04.10.2012 • Product

Access control solution with real-time monitoring and integrated alarm


IF-800 Secures a Vulnerable Element: The Door
As one of the security solutions of the new product generation eVayo, the access control reader can easily be integrated into existing IT infrastructures and is compatible with existing installations.

Financial data and information are an important part of any business, and must therefore be adequately protected. Inadequately secured data represents an often underestimated risk factor that can be extremely threatening for some companies. With the online access control solution IF-800, which provides real-time monitoring and an integrated alarm, companies can optimally secure their doors, especially those within the building.

The IF-800 terminal allows only persons in possession of an RFID credential and the corresponding access authorization to enter certain buildings or complex of buildings. Besides regular doors, it also monitors locks and barriers. The reader allows intuitive operation and the integrated lighting concept shows the user immediately if a booking was successful or not. Furthermore, the terminal operates highly efficiently and sustainably, as it is powered by an integrated power-saving mode. Thus, it consumes 50 percent less energy than previous models.

The access control solution IF-800 can be connected to a terminal controller or a master terminal. In conjunction with one of these systems, the reader is capable of writing NetworkOnCard rights for offline terminals. Thus, online and offline access control systems within companies benefit from each other and increasingly facilitate internal administrative processes.

Business Partner

Interflex Datensysteme GmbH / Allegion

Epplestraße 225 (Haus 3)
70567 Stuttgart

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