27.05.2024 • Product

Asecos: Safety Storage Cabinet ION- LINE ULTRA – GSA25 Finalist

The ION-Line Ultra from Asecos is a safety storage cabinet for the active and passive storage of lithium-ion batteries.


It has been tested and approved in accordance with GS test principle EK5/AK4 for lithium cabinets and, with improved fire protection from the inside out and from the outside in, active flue gas management including smoke detection and extended monitoring functions with alarm forwarding, offers maximum safety when charging and storing lithium batteries, even in sensitive areas. The smoke-tight cabinet design with pressure relief opening in the head section and self-closing and automatically locking doors ensure effective containment of potential hazards. The accessible plinth enables evacuation to the outside.

The ION-Line Ultra safety storage cabinet has been tested and certified in accordance with GS principle EK5/AK4 22-01 for the active and passive storage of lithium-ion batteries. To obtain the GS mark, it has passed extensive inspections and tests. These include a fire resistance test from the outside to the inside in accordance with DIN EN 14470-1 and a fire resistance test from the inside to the outside in accordance with DIN EN 1363-2 as a theoretical basis. In addition, a smoke tightness test and proof of heating must be provided and a mechanical test and test of the safety elements in accordance with DIN EN 16121 and DIN EN 16122 must be passed, which includes the requirements and test procedures for safety, strength, stability and durability. All tests carried out and successfully passed comply with the current European requirements for product safety. GS certification corresponds to the current state of the art by prescribing defined tests in addition to the German Product Safety Act (ProdSG). Only safety storage cabinets for lithium-ion batteries that have been tested in accordance with this test standard and certified in accordance with the Product Safety Act may be labeled with the GS mark.

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asecos GmbH

Weiherfeldsiedlung 16-18
63584 Gründau

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Artificial Intelligence

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Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"

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GSA 2026

Closing Date: March 31



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