Dallmeier Electronic: videoIP range “a Tribute to Amadeus”
Dallmeier Electronic: videoIP range "a Tribute to Amadeus". Professional IP video networks may well be compared to timeless musical masterpieces. Just as Mozart through perfect composition and brilliant instrumentation, created an ingenious body of work, individual high-value IP components can be used to realise top-quality video network solutions.
Like instruments in an orchestra, devices operate in perfect harmony, controlled by the operator, who, like a conductor, keeps things firmly in hand.
The Dallmeier IP solution remains variable and flexible. Its composition can range from a duo of camera and streamer to a large ensemble of different elements.
Dallmeier‘s high requirements regarding image quality and reliability also apply when it comes to IP solutions.
With the IP range “a tribute to Amadeus“ the high standards of CCTV applications combine with the benefits of pure IP solutions.
The best of both worlds, a star-studded ensemble with guaranteed success!