Digital locking technology significantly reduces costs in the event of key loss

The mechanical locking system of a cooperative residential complex is only as secure as the occupants carefully handling the keys. Operators of residential estates regularly complain about the annoyance with occupants and the high costs due to key loss. These also present a security risk. Digital locking technology provides a solution to this problem, reduces costs and increases convenience at the same time.
According to a study by Deutsche Schlüsselversicherung, a key is lost every 35 minutes in Germany. VdS Schadenverhütung has calculated that the approximately 800,000 keys lost each year cause damage of almost 100 million euros (source: Depending on the size of the building and the specifics of the mechanical locking system, the loss of a master key with all replacement costs can quickly reach five-digit proportions.
SimonsVoss Technologies (Unterföhring near Munich) offers flexible system solutions for residential complexes that ensure security both in new and existing buildings, offer users greater convenience, and significantly reduce the cost burden of losing keys.
No problems with key loss
There is not always enough budget available to digitally upgrade the entire building and all doors. A practical starting point for entering the world of digital locking technology is provided by multi-story residential buildings whose house entrance doors have electric door openers. This can be retrofitted with the digital SmartRelay 2 key switch from SimonsVoss. An external service provider, e.g. a specialist safety dealer and SimonsVoss partner, or your own in-house technician can then manage the cost-effective system for the operator. The white surface-mounted housing is attached outside in the area of the door handle, with the integrated electronics controlling the existing door opener. The opening process is triggered by the holding an individually programmed transponder (card or chip tag) in front of the sensor. If an apartment owner loses this locking medium, there is no need to replace an expensive house entrance door key plus cylinder, the service provider simply creates (programs) a replacement transponder. As soon as the transponder is used for the first time, the access authorization of the lost transponder automatically expires and cannot be used by anyone anymore. This ensures immediate security at the front door.
In this constellation, users can continue to open or lock their individual apartment entrance doors as usual using mechanical keys.
This basic version of the SmartRelay 2 can be easily extended, e.g. by integrating rear entrances. Since there is no electronic door opener here, the mechanical locking cylinder can be exchanged for a digital one, which is operated by the occupants by holding their personal transponder in front of them. The property management can implement the management of such a system offline and with the help of this digital system also issue transponders for certain users, e.g. technicians.
Expansion stages up to full networking possible
If security levels and comfort are to be further increased, the cellar doors can be retrofitted with self-locking panic locks and electronic fittings. Technical rooms can be equipped with electronic cylinders and thus only be accessed by a limited number of people. In this configuration the administration of the system still takes place offline. This only changes with networked solutions – the highest expansion level for residential complexes. The system control is done by the property management or the operator via PC with VPN connection to the object. In the fully networked version, the individual locking units (fittings, cylinders, SmartRelays) are controlled via a router in the building, which in turn can be activated by the residents’ transponders. In the case of an apartment inspection, remote access to the house can also be granted. With the partially networked system solution, a SmartRelay Controller is interposed in the building, from which the SmartRelay reader at the house entrance is controlled, with which the residents load new or changed access authorizations onto their transponder. An additional advantage for property management is the possibility of assigning temporary locking authorizations (e.g. to tradesmen).