19.06.2012 • Product

Eyevis: 3D rear-projection cube

Eyevis: 3D rear-projection cube. The Eyevis 3D rear-projection cube contains stereo projectors and latest generation Infitec eye separation filters allowing pin-sharp and realistic 3D stereo display for viewing without tiring.

The cube has been especially designed for modern applications e. g. in buildings or cars. Already during the first steps of the planning, designers make more and more use of three-dimensional plans and models of their work pieces.

Besides the possibility to use the cubes for video wall presentations and video conferences in 2D mode, the 3D mode provides the detailed display of environments with realistic depth of the images. Distances, spacing and sizes of rooms and objects can be displayed with realistic three-dimensional relations.

Thanks to the high contrast and the high-performance screens the displayed images do not suffer from any disturbances by environmental light conditions. This allows trouble free operation of the system during conferences and meetings.

With the Netpix graphics controller, the company provides an infrastructure allowing a highly flexible use of the video wall system.


Ifsec, Hall 5, Stand D145

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