13.01.2010 • Product

SafetyBook: An Introduction to Safety Engineering


With the SafetyBook, Euchner is making available its knowledge and the experience it gained over 50 years in the field of safety engineering. It is the company’s goal to contribute to the further development and simplification of safety applications in an increasingly complex legal environment.

Particularly the introduction of the new EN ISO 13849-1 standard and the associated changes in the assessment of safety circuits produce uncertainty on the part of users – Euchner devoted attention specifically to this topic in its specialist book.

The SafetyBook is a resource for the planning and development of safety circuits to safeguard machines. Basic safety knowledge as well as legal and standard-related basics are conveyed to the reader on nearly 200 pages. A detailed section with specific circuit examples rounds off the book. This section provides an informative basis for practical implementation and for solving safety problems – for even greater safety for man, machine and products.

The “Safety Book” is now available in the book trade or can be purchased directly at EUCHNER (price: Euro 29.99)

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