Video surveillance with intelligent privacy protection

Whether at the work place or in the field of video surveillance of public places and roads. MULTIEYE PrivacyShield offers secure privacy protection.
How does it work?
MULTIEYE PrivacyShield scrambles people/objects in motion with a special filter in the live view. Hence privacy protection is guaranteed at any time. Actions remain recognisable. However, the original images are recorded in the unfiltered version. The access to the recorded images is protected in many ways. The size of the objects as well as the sensitivity can be adjusted by means of various parameters for each camera separately. Up to 8 cameras can be equipped with Privacy-Shield for each MULTIEYE recorder.
Multiple Protection against unauthorised Access:
- Protection by means of User Administration
- Four Eyes Principle
- MULTIEYE Shell Software Module
Why MULTIEYE PrivacyShield?
- Intelligent privacy protection
- Low CPU load
- 8 PrivacyShield channels per recorder
- No external software/hardware necessary
- Independent from the camera type (Analog/IP)
- Multiple access protection
- Integration into existing MULTIEYE Video Surveillance Systems is possible
Multiple Protection against unauthorised Access:
User Administration:
The unauthorised replay of recorded video data is prohibited by means of the User Administration.
Four Eyes Principle:
The replay of recorded videos is only possible, when two users from different groups identify together at the user authorisation (Four Eyes Principle).
The replay of videos with external programs is supressed by the MULTIEYE Shell (Article Number 810153). As soon as the MULTIEYE Shell is activated, the user access to the directories of the operating system is prohibited.