Web-Alarm: Web Based Alarm Control Center with Data Logger

W&T’s „Web-Alarm“ is a web based alarm control center with data logger. This compact unit features six inputs including counter for any sensors having digital outputs.
If needed, local alarms can be connected using six digital outputs. The digital inputs can also be used for acknowledgement directly on the unit. The integrated Web server includes the complete management software for monitoring and controlling the alarms. The software runs in any Web browser, from PC to smartphone, without separate installation or additional plug-ins. Self-updating, it visualizes the current alarm status and also provides the option of acknowledging current alarms.
In addition, it provides tools – again in the browser – for reading the data logger and displaying alarm and signal histories. Once connected to a network and assigned an IP address and subnet mask, all the device settings and alarm configurations can be made by any computer in the network using the integrated Web-based management. The network connection permits sending of messages via e-mail, SNMP trap, Syslog message, FTP upload and TCP or UDP client message. In addition to the messaging features and fully integrated software, the system offers and internal data logger. This stores all I/O, counter and alarm events. Along with browser display, the contents of the data logger can also be exported to a CSV file for further processing or archiving.