Bosch Security

03.04.2017 • News

Bosch Remote Portal update

The Bosch Remote Portal was updated with support for additional devices and services and an improved user interface. If maintenance and services are a core part of your business, t...

09.06.2016 • News

The Lane to Security

Brazilian highway operator CCR AutoBAn (Concessionária do Sistema Anhanguera Bandeirantes S.A. Autoban) counts on video surveillance from Bosch. In his Operational Control Center ...

22.10.2015 • News

Greater Security for Trade Fairs in Columbia

Bosch Security Systems has equipped one of the biggest Latin American conference centers, Corferias in Bogota Columbia, with a comprehensive, new security solution. As Corferias co...

29.04.2015 • News

Bosch improves sales in all business sectors

The Bosch Group has made a good start to 2015. In the first quarter, sales grew by roughly 13 percent.1 After adjusting for exchange-rate effects, the increase was 5.4 percent. For...