
11.05.2010 • TopstoriesSecurity

Key Management System

A typical gatehouse at a large factory or other establishment always needed a large back wall on which to hang all the various keys that were used throughout the site. But even wit...

27.01.2010 • TopstoriesSecurity

Sentries at the Limits of Science

A particle accelerator is used for fundamental scientific research at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. Nobody is allowed to be in the tunnel while e...

Artificial Intelligence

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"
part one of a three-part interview series

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"

In part one Pierre Racz, President of Genetec, is addressing why IP network video systems were the game changer in the industry and why he does not like the term AI.