digital cylinder

09.09.2021 • TopstoriesSecurity

More Features, Convenience and Security

SimonsVoss is entering a new era of digital locking technology with the Digital Cylinder AX. The system is setting forward-looking innovation standards in terms of security, functionality, energy efficiency and scope of services. Outstanding ease of installation and convenience make the system market-ready to exceed the expectations of both market partners and users.

16.04.2012 • News

Millionth digital cylinder delivered

On April 12, 2012, SimonsVoss delivered its millionth digital locking cylinder to Trinity Hall, a prestigious College of Cambridge University. During a ceremonial handover, SimonsV...

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fires on Yachts
Minimise the Risks on Board

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fires on Yachts

Why Yacht Owners Are Adding Thermal Imaging Cameras to Minimise the Risk of Lithium-Ion Battery Fires.