Fire Detector

08.02.2024 • TopstoriesFire Protection

Fire Detection 2024

Fire is a bad thing, so the earlier a developing fire can be detected, the better. Early warning can prevent severe damage, environmental pollution, and most importantly save lives. There are various ways of detecting a fire, some of which have been around for decades and others that are emerging as faster, more efficient, or more reliable. Although GIT SECURITY already reported on this subject quite recently, the latest developments deserve a mention here so that you are up-to-date on your options.

31.03.2023 • NewsFire Protection

Bosch Intelligent fire detection solutions

Bosch fire detectors are highly reliable, thereby ensuring early and accurate detection. Thanks to elaborate and innovative technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and smart sensor technologies such as Dual Ray or eSmog you can rest assured that people are protected, material damages are prevented, and business continuity is ensured.

Artificial Intelligence

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"
part one of a three-part interview series

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"

In part one Pierre Racz, President of Genetec, is addressing why IP network video systems were the game changer in the industry and why he does not like the term AI.