fire doors

08.03.2024 • TopstoriesFire Protection

Choosing Door Closers is a Critical Element of Fire Safety

Every now and then, news reminds us of the devastation that a large building fire can cause. One consequence is that fire doors now receive the attention and regulation that they deserve, both nationally and internationally. Just as important, however, is that a fire door must be properly closed to be effective. Assa Abloy has a complete range of door closing solutions to meet the needs and regulations of almost every type of of door in every building.

26.10.2023 • NewsSecurity

Assa Abloy: Streamlining Openings and Fire Door Inspection With a New Multi-functional Mobile App

​​​​​​​The creation of clear, transparent inspection protocols boosts the safety of multi-residential properties — and reassures both owners and building residents. To maximize the effectiveness of the inspection cycle, a reliable, up-to-date source of specification info is critical. As at many other stages of the building life-cycle, digitalization can be an ideal solution.

Corporate Security

Strategy of Corporate Security at Volkswagen

Strategy of Corporate Security at Volkswagen

Interview with Andreas Maack, Head of Group Security & Resilience and CSO of the Volkswagen Group