40 Years of Security Essen
On September 23-26, the exhibition center in Essen, Germany, will once again become the global marketplace for civil security. Security Essen expects more than 1,000 international ...

On September 23-26, the exhibition center in Essen, Germany, will once again become the global marketplace for civil security. Security Essen expects more than 1,000 international exhibitors will show the innovations in the sector. The Security Essen event brings the whole world of security and fire protection technology together under one roof like no other. And that makes it the worldwide number one in this sector.
The Complete Range
For the first time, the fair will encompass more than 40 market segments - from mechanical and digital security technology via fire protection and CCTV right up to IT security and counter- terrorism. This will give visitors a comprehenisve overview of the market. Around 39,000 trade visitors from more than 110 countries will once again be expected at the fair. There will be more international cooperative booths: In addition to Great Britain (Hall 3), Italy (Hall 2), China, Taiwan and Korea (Halls 8 and 9) as well as the USA (Hall 5), Hungary (Hall 4) will also be represented with a cooperative booth for the first time. As the impetus-providing premier global fair,Security Essen will offer solutions to the latest challenges in 2014 too. For example, the IT Security theme park in Hall 5 will introduce the newest technologies for combatting cyber and bugging attacks as well as economic espionage. For the first time, the international trade fair will also be dedicated to the new trend of global travel security - with solutions for protecting employees and corporate know-how during foreign trips (Security Forum II, Hall 7). All the Facets of Fire Protection Two halls (1 and 7) will be dedicated to fire protection. There, 140 exhibitors will present innovations for constructional, operational and installation technology fire protection - from protective clothing via intelligent web-based alarm systems right up to control room planning and equipment. Internet-based fire protection solutions constitute an increasing trend in 2014. For example, there are smoke alarms which, in the event of a fire, can make an automatic connection with the Internet, dispatch status reports by SMS or e-mail in real time and guide the emergency services directly to the seat of the fire using online maps. Alarm and evacuation
systems which, in emergencies, send messages to all the computer workplaces in the company or intelligent holders for fire extinguishers which indicate the nearest appliance acoustically and optically were developed for operational fire protection. Special solutions for industry will also be represented at Security Essen. These will include early fire recognition systems for the storage of self-inflammable materials such as paper, waste or incendiary matter as well as fire detectors
for the oil, gas and chemical industries which can recognise hazards even in extreme conditions. Special installations for tunnels which can bridge long distances reliably will also be on display in Essen. The comprehensive range available at the fair will be rounded off with live demonstrations on the Fire Protection Theme Day. On September 25, exhibitors will demonstrate, amongst other highlights, the utilisation of new aerosol extinguishing systems, fire suppression installations against beginning explosions as well as new fog systems for the non-destructive simulation of tunnel and large-scale fires. As the premier global fair for security technology
and fire protection, Security Essen has strong partners by its side. For example, the exhibition section will be supported by Feuerwehr Essen („Essen Fire Service"), AGBF „Working Group of the Managers of Professional Fire Services"), Werkfeuerwehrverband Deutschland e. V. („Works Fire Service Association of Germany")
as well as bvfa („Federal Association of Technical Fire Protection"). On a cooperative booth in Hall 1, bvfa will present itself with eight other companies.
Around 100 Forums on Highly Topical Subjects
With a top-class specialist programme, Security Essen will once again promote the exchange of specialist opinions between manufacturers, developers and users in 2014 too. In around 100 lectures and expert circles, specialists from the sector will impart their knowledge at first hand. Security Forum I (Hall 5) will examine the latest trends in the sector - including those from the fields of alarm installations, mechanical security technologies, security management and counter- terrorism. Amongst ther subjects, Security Forum II (Hall 7) will be dedicated to the fields of security research, fire protection and public security.
Security Essen Supports Careers Planning
After the successful premiere two years ago, the Training and Further Education Day at Security Essen will go into the second round: On the first day of the fair (September 23, 2014), schoolchildren, lateral entrants and students will be able to obtain information about training possibilities and occupational perspectives in the security industry. In 2012, several hundred schoolchildren and trainees made use of the chance to initiate direct discussions with representatives of the
sector at the fair.
Specialist Guided Tours for Planners and Architects
For the first time, there will be tours of the fair for planners, architects, engineers and representatives of the real estate industry at Security Essen 2014. On every day of the fair, guided tours will be offered on the subject areas of security and fire protection. The executing partner will be Deutsche Gesellschaft für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (DGWZ - „German Society for Economic Cooperation").
Interview with Claus-Peter Regiani
GIT-SECURITY.com: Mr. Regiani, there will be 40 market segments - from fire protection to video. What new subjects can the visitor expect at Security Essen 2014?
Claus-Peter Regiani: Global Travel Security is an important subject that challenges mediumsized companies and global players alike - in this globalized world, business trips or even longer postings abroad are no longer a rarity. But how can we protect our employees there? How secure is our company know-how that is on the laptop, iPad or smartphone that travels with them? Our world-leading trade fair also pays great attention to the area of IT security:
ISMS, forensic evidence security and new solutions for encrypted data exchange are just some of the keywords. New developments in danger prevention in public spaces will also be seen. One example of this is the early recognition of threats through Behavioral Recognition systems. In short: the Security Essen
event will provide the visitor with an absolutely comprehensive overview of the market.
How are the numbers of international exhibitors and visitors developing?
Claus-Peter Regiani: As the world-leading trade exhibition, Security Essen naturally has a very strong international character. In 2012 around 39,000 trade visitors from 115 countries traveled here to the Messe Essen to find ut about innovations, to make new contacts and to place orders; a superb number that we also expect in 2014. The same goes for the exhibitors: all the major manufacturers of civil security technology from around 40 nations will again be represented at Security Essen. We can already report growth in the number of international joint stands: as well as Great Britain, Italy, China, Taiwan, Korea and the USA, there will also be a Hungarian stand for the first time in 2014 using this world leading event as a window to its innovations and as a business platform.