07.08.2012 • TopstoriesAutomatic Systems

Automatic Systems: automatic systems gates secure Hyundai’s headquarters

Automatic Systems: automatic systems gates secure Hyundai's headquarters. Founded in 1967, Hyundai Motor Company is one of the world’s prominent automobile manufacturers. In less t...

Automatic Systems: automatic systems gates secure Hyundai’s headquarters

Automatic Systems: automatic systems gates secure Hyundai's headquarters. Founded in 1967, Hyundai Motor Company is one of the world’s prominent automobile manufacturers. In less than 30 years, the South Korean consortium has become the car manufacturer number 8 in the world. Hyundai cars are present in more than 190 countries. The giant car maker signed a contract to install at its Seoul headquarters Automatic System’s new SmartLane gates, the first SmartLane order ever.

In Asia, prestige buildings rivalling in height and architectural design are mushrooming everywhere. Renowned companies seek to exhibit corporate buildings with character that combine all state-of-the-art technologies. Hyundai is no exception. The building in which the gates were installed is truly an architectural masterpiece.

It is not to be demonstrated that Hyundai chose this product because it is the trendiest of all equipment available on the market today. Automatic Systems Korean distributor convinced Hyundai Corporation to go for a new model which was still in its final stage of development at the time of the order.

Since 2003 Hyundai has been familiar with the supplier’s PNG 382 automatic gates which are in operation at the Nam Yang R&D centre, but the company was looking for newer equipment with a more modern look. After having invented and introduced PNG retractable automatic gates on the market in the late 1980s, Automatic Systems is now adding a new element: an innovative design.

SmartLane is indeed the successor of the PNG that have made the company famous worldwide. PNG 38x series automatic gates have combined strength, reliability and security for more than 15 years. With Smart- Lane customers are offered a daring concept. It can easily integrate all sorts of environments thanks to its wide choice of options (wood, glass, stainless steel, etc.).

As of today, 25 lanes are now installed at Hyundai headquarters.


Dominique Gilbart
Automatic Systems,
Wavre, Belgium
Tel.: +32 10 23 02 61
Fax: +32 10 23 02 02

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