Edis: TV CC Conference & Expo 2008 in Milan
Edis: TV CC Conference Expo 2008 in Milan. Thanks to its deep knowledge of the security market, its key players and the need to start up new forms of interaction and communication...

Edis: TV CC Conference & Expo 2008 in Milan. Thanks to its deep knowledge of the security market, its key players and the need to start up new forms of interaction and communication, the Italian Publisher Edis is organising in April in Milan the 11th edition of the TV CC Conference & Expo, the event of the year on CCTV and its applications.
Following the great success of the last edition – with over 450 visitors and an exhibition area boasting the leading national and international companies – the next meeting will be even wider, more innovative and vertical.
The plenary session will be attended by Italian and foreign speakers of utmost institutional, technological and professional importance and the wide exhibition area will be featuring the latest cuttingedge products and technologies in terms of CCTV.
In parallel with the conference exhibiting companies will be holding technical workshops to perform in-depth analyses and demonstrations about technical innovations addressing a highly selected audience.
The conference is free and open to everybody. The main target group of the event are all CCTV-related operators at the operative, institutional, technological and user level.
Among the stunning figures – beyond all expectations – stressing the success of the 2007 edition:
- over 450 visitors,
- 24 national and international sponsors, technical partners and media,
- 14 supporting institutions and associations,
- 14 speakers – two international special guests, two special chairmen,
- 22 workshops, with as many speakers,
- 13 key players of the institutional round table of the industry,
- 28 winners of the securindex.com security award 2006.
For further information about the 2008 edition please visit the dedicated website.
Edis Edizioni Specializzate srl,
Bologna, Italy
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