Off the Record with Christina Duffey
Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITYs series. Name: Christina Duffey, CPP Position, Company: 2019 ASIS International President, SVP/...

Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITY’s series.
Name: Christina Duffey, CPP
Position, Company: 2019 ASIS International President, SVP/Regional Director of Midwest Operations at SOS Security
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Favourite homemade dish: Pepperoni Pizza Pasta
1. Right now: I am grateful.
2. I can never resist: Sunshine. It has a way of literally brightening a day and warming the soul.
3. My biggest motivation is: My son.
4. At 7 o’clock in the morning: I have already started my day.
5. Three characters I would like to have dinner with are: Stephen Hawking, Ernest Hemingway and my deceased Dad.
6. Three things that I am most grateful for in life are: Health, family and development opportunities.
7. The best decision in my career so far is: Staying positive and always trying to make things better.
8. The best compliment anyone has ever given to me is: That I am the best mother.
9. I am entering the wrestling arena and while the crowd is calling out my wrestling name: “Foxxy Pandora!”, I can hear the song: “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys playing!
10. At the most horrible job I ever had I: Was able to remain positive and kept my ethics and dignity. I believe that in any circumstance, it is important to rise above the fray, keep focused on bigger goals, and learn from each experience, good or bad.
11. The language I would most like to speak is: Latin, since it has been said that 60 percent of English has Latin roots. And, if I spoke Latin, it would be much easier for me to pretend to speak French.
12. The biggest challenge in my industry at the moment is:
Mentoring the new generation. We really have an opportunity with a new generation joining the security industry, and I believe our future lies with us to mentor and share our experience so that they can make what may seem impossible today, possible in the future.