Off the Record with David White

Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITYs series. Name: David White Position, Company: CEO, Loxal Security Date of Birth: August 22th 1946...

Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITYs...
Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITY's series Off the Record - this time with David White

Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITY's series.

Name: David White
Position, Company: CEO, Loxal Security
Date of Birth: August 22th 1946
Hometown: Sevenoaks
Favourite homemade dish: Baked Arbroath Smokies

1. Right now: I am working when I should be retired.
2. When I’m stressed I: Listen to music in the bath.
3. My biggest struggle on a workday is: Not being distracted from my intended task.
4. I can never resist: The challenge of solving a problem.
5. My biggest motivation is: Seeing my family succeed in the same way that I have.
6. At 7 o’clock in the morning: I am actually at work.
7. The natural talent I would like to be gifted with is: being better at golf.
8. Guaranteed to make me laugh is: Donald Trump.
9. I have the completely useless talent of: Being able to solve cryptic crosswords.
10. The biggest challenge for me/my industry at the moment is: Keeping pace with technological developments.
11. From the first money I earned I: Bought a clarinet.
12. If I was trapped in a shopping mall/museum/skyscraper for one night, I would: Push the fire alarm!
13. I was utterly perplexed when: A band that had auditioned and rejected Mick Jagger in the early 60s accepted me! I’m sure he must look back and feel disappointed!
14. My first car/bicycle was a: Austin Healy.
15. I had the opportunity to shake hands with: Duke Ellington.

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Loxal Security Ltd

TN13 9JP Kent

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