17.12.2020 • TopstoriesOff the Record

Off the Record with Dr. Anja Opitz

Get to Know Inspirational Characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITY’s Series

Name: Dr. Anja Opitz

Position, Company: Head of Section for Inter­national Politics & Security at APB Tutzing and President of the Global Health Security Alliance (GloHSA) 

Hometown: Starnberg near Munich, Germany



Dr. Anja Opitz, Head of Section for Inter­national Politics & Security at APB...
Dr. Anja Opitz, Head of Section for Inter­national Politics & Security at APB Tutzing and President of the GloHSA

1. Right now: I am blessed and grateful.

2. When I’m stressed I try to take a break at Canary Island La Palma.

3. I can never resist good music and dancing.

4. At 7 o’clock in the morning I love to enjoy 10 minutes of silence and a good coffee.

5. The best decision in my career so far is to combine the topic of health with security. 

6. The best compliment anyone has ever given to me is that as a professor at university I am “hard but fair”. 

7. The biggest challenge for me/my industry at the moment is to establish a comprehensive and cross-sectoral approach to deal with global health and security.

8. From the first money I earned I flew to the US. 

9. My first car/bicycle was a BMW Mini.

10. I had the opportunity to shake hands with Margaritis Schinas, EU Commissioner and Vice President of the EU Commission during the 2020 Munich Security ­Conference. We were on a panel together to talk about ­European Security and Defence. 

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