Off the Record with James Kelly

Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITYs series. Name: James Kelly Position, Company: CEO, BSIA Ltd Date of Birth: 19th June 1961 Homet...

James Kelly gave some interesting insights in GIT SECURITYs series
James Kelly gave some interesting insights in GIT SECURITY's series

Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITY's series.

Name: James Kelly
Position, Company: CEO, BSIA Ltd
Date of Birth: 19th June 1961
Hometown: Weston, Hitchin, Herts
Favourite homemade dish: Paella

1. Right now: I am just glad to be on Planet Earth, and British!
2. When I’m stressed I: drink more tea and eat more biscuits!
3. I can never resist: a bookshop.
4. The natural talent I would like to be gifted with is: singing like Frank Sinatra.
5. Guaranteed to make me laugh is: Will Ferrell or Romesh Ranganathan
6. Three characters I would like to have dinner with (dead or alive, fictional or non-fictional) are:

  • I) John F Kennedy (for his calm under pressure in Cuban Missile crisis)
  • II) Boris Johnson (for his wordsmithery)
  • III) Any brave conservationist risking their life to thwart loser ivory poachers

7. Three things that I am most grateful for in life are: health, resilience, and a sense of fairness.
8. The best decision in my career so far is: to have started with a Law degree.
9. The best compliment anyone has ever given to me is: that I’m ‘resourceful’.
10. The language I would most like to speak is: Spanish and I pretend to know how to speak French & German.
11. The biggest challenge for me at the moment is: being busy when my wife invites me to the next dog show!
12. When I have done something forbidden I: high-five myself, except when caught!
13. The last thing/gadget I bought was: a portable air conditioner (love the heat though!).
14. If I was trapped in a shopping mall/museum/skyscraper for one night: I would enjoy the peace and quiet!
15. I would like to have the superhero superpower of: Ant Man.
16. I had the opportunity to shake hands with: Rudy Giuliani in New York when he was Mayor (loved his ‘broken ­windows’ theory – we need more of that in UK!)

Business Partner

BSIA British Security Industry Association

Bedford Row 32
WC1R4HE London

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