Off the Record with Prof. Norbert Pohlmann
Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITYs series. Name: Prof. Norbert Pohlmann Position, Company: Director Institute for Internet Security a...

Get to know inspirational characters of the Security Industry in GIT SECURITY’s series.
Name: Prof. Norbert Pohlmann
Position, Company: Director Institute for Internet Security and Chairman of the IT Security Association Germany TeleTrusT
Date of Birth: 20.03.1960
Hometown: Aachen, Germany
Favorite homemade dish: Sauerbraten
- Right now: I am worried that the level of IT security and trustworthiness in digitization is not high enough.
- My biggest motivation is: to make the world more secure.
- At 7 o’clock in the morning: I am motivated to change the world.
- The best decision in my career so far: is always staying in IT security, as an entrepreneur and as a professor.
- At the best job I ever had I do free research as a professor.
- In the shower I sing like a young god.
- My first car was a VW Beetle.
- I had the opportunity to shake hands with Bill Clinton.