Off the Record with Wiley's very Own CIO & CISO Sean D. Mack
Our inspirational character this time is Wileys CIO and CISO - read all about him: Name: Sean D. Mack Position, Company: CIO CISO, Wiley Date of Birth: December 28 Hometown...

Our inspirational character this time is Wiley's CIO and CISO - read all about him:
Name: Sean D. Mack
Position, Company: CIO & CISO, Wiley
Date of Birth: December 28
Hometown: New York, NY
Favourite homemade dish: I love to cook! Last Christmas I made Lobster Thermador for Christmas dinner. The best.
1. Right now: I am on the flight back from visiting the Wiley team in Kolkata, India.
2. At 7 o’clock in the morning: I am already on my way to work. I start my day early, usually with light stretching and meditation. Then I check my emails and plan for what I will get done that day. I get ready quickly, have breakfast, and head out to my martial arts class.
3. The natural talent I would like to be gifted with is: Eidetic memory – although I’d settle for the ability to remember people’s names.
4. Three things that I am most grateful for in life are: My daughter, my wife, and my job.
5. The best decision in my career so far is: To always choose my next job based on where I want to end up and not where I want to be.
6. The best compliment anyone has ever given to me is: “You’re the best dad ever.”
7. If my life was a movie, I would be portrayed by: I’d say: Matt Damon. My wife says: Robin Williams
8. I am entering the wrestling arena and while the crowd is calling out my wrestling name SMACK, I can hear the ‘Immigrant Song’ by Let Zeppelin playing!
9. At the most horrible job I ever had: I have worked my entire life. In high school I earned money by picking up after some of the finest canines in New York City. While up there in terms of dirty jobs it was quite lucrative.
10. The biggest challenge for me/my industry at the moment is: The rapid pace of innovation and change. In the next four years more applications will be developed than in the previous forty. At the same time the number of cyber threats is growing at an alarming pace. Industries are being disrupted by new technologies left and right. In order to be successful today we must leverage technology and relentlessly innovate to drive business forward.
11. The last thing/gadget I bought was a robot dog for my daughter.
12. As a child I was teased, because I had freckles and bright red curly hair and also, I was short.