ONVIF Values the Importance of User Feedback

ONVIFs standards are essential to simplify interoperability. To show how significant it is to discuss the matter and to make it a public topic, ONVIF is present at all major trade ...

Greg Alcorn, Vice Chair of the ONVIF Communication Committee
Greg Alcorn, Vice Chair of the ONVIF Communication Committee

ONVIF’s standards are essential to simplify interoperability. To show how significant it is to discuss the matter and to make it a public topic, ONVIF is present at all major trade shows. At Intersec in Dubai the growing influence of standards in critical infrastructure projects was the main topic. At the ONVIF stand in Dubai, ONVIF’s Vice Chairman Greg Alcorn discussed with visitors and the media how standards are used to future proof technology investments and how they can help ensure adherence to current industry cyber security trends.

Another topic at the show was the new Profile Q for easy installation and secure configuration features. „ONVIF developed Profile Q in direct response to the industry’s request for out-of-the-box functionality and easier and secure configuration,“ said Per Björkdahl, Chairman of ONVIF‘s Steering Committee prior to the show. „With Profile Q, systems designers and installers will be able to realize the full potential of interoperability more easily using ONVIF.”

Profile Q also supports Transport Layer Security (TLS), a protocol designed to provide secure communication between devices and clients, with an authentication process involving the exchange of certificates and keys over a network. The profile manages certificates and keys on ONVIF devices themselves, which can then communicate with clients across the network in a way that protects against tampering and eavesdropping.

Closer User-feedback
Greg Alcorn, Vice Chair of the ONVIF Communication Committee, spoke on behalf of ONVIF at the conference in the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre. Not only did he provide the audience with info about the newest standardization developments, but he also gave some exclusive insights to GIT SECURITY. ONVIF continues to work with its members to expand the number of IP interoperability solutions ONVIF conformant products can provide. But ONVIF is not only talking to their members, the organization is focusing on surveying end-users regarding ONVIF’s perception in the marketplace and to gather feedback from end-users what they expect regarding the development of future profiles. Alcorn confirms: “This survey is taken to raise awareness for the users. Normally ONVIF is in constant contact with manufacturers. Now for the first time ONVIF does a survey amongst end-users to see what their expectations are regarding standards. The feedback of end-users is of high importance to us, because it gives us a more neutral perspective on the matter. It is fairly that simple: We create direct engagement so users can say ‘this is what I want’.”

According to Greg Alcorn, ONVIF will continue activities access control and to have a closer look at data security: “The encryption of data will be a big topic. Now it’s about the security of the security! Physical security can't be seen as a weak link of building cyber security. Whilst it needs to be open for greater interoperability, it also needs to be more secure. As cyber security changes at the end user’s needs, the security manager really does need to focus on the wholistic security of the building. So we help to raise the level of security through the development of ONVIF standards.”

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