Perimeter Protection 2020 Trade Fair Breaks New Records

With 4,200 trade visitors, that’s around 16 percent more than at the previous event (3,639 in 2018), the sixth round of Perimeter Protection drew to a very successful close on Thursday 16 January 2020. On a display area measuring more than 6,000 m², the 166 exhibitors (135 in 2018) informed the professional audience about the latest mechanical and electronic solutions for outdoor site and building security.
It is especially pleasing to note that in addition to the overall rise in exhibitors by 23 percent, the proportion of international exhibitors increased to 47 percent. The new specialist forum at the heart of the trade fair action proved very popular. On all three days of the fair it offered numerous presentations with valuable tips and case studies by renowned industry experts and information on the key topic of drone detection and defense. Exhibitors were particularly appreciative of the caliber of the trade visitors, more than 90 percent of whom had influence on their company’s procurement decisions.
High Praise
“The trade fair is performing extremely well and has continued to demonstrate consistent growth,” said a delighted Alexander Stein, Director of Perimeter Protection at Nürnberg Messe. “This makes it the undisputed No. 1 networking platform for the sector in Europe. The much larger number of exhibitors and visitors, the growth in display area and the proportion of international participants are once again evidence of the success and potential of our concept for a special interest trade fair dedicated exclusively to the protection of outdoor sites and facilities. This year there was a lot of praise in particular for our new specialist forum in the exhibition hall, while our focus on drone detection and defense also attracted a lot of interest from the professional audience. To sum up: very positive feedback from almost all participants, a resounding success and great potential for further development in the future as well.”
Kai-Uwe Grögor, Managing Director of the Fachverband und Gütegemeinschaft Metallzauntechnik (MZT, Association of Metal Fencing Technology), the honorary sponsor of the event, had this to say: “The need for security in the private and public spheres is constantly increasing, so we are naturally striking a chord with the sector with an event like Perimeter Protection. The presence of all major market players and the fantastic opportunities for making and nurturing contacts were especially applauded. As the consistently upbeat mood in the halls has shown, our event has become very well established in recent years. Despite this, Perimeter Protection remains a compact special-interest trade fair.”
International Interest
From 14 to 16 January 2020, a total of 166 companies, 78 of them from outside Germany, showcased their mechanical and electronic security technologies for outdoor surveillance. The solutions on display ranged from conventional mechanical protection measures like fencing, gates and access barriers to high-tech electronic components like surveillance cameras, drone detection systems, burglar alarm systems or biometric access control facilities. Trade visitors to Perimeter Protection 2020 included installers of fencing, gates and metal structures, and electronic systems.
The event was also attended by numerous security managers from large industrial companies, municipalities and official agencies, representatives of local and long-distance transport networks, airports, fire services, correctional facilities, the police and armed forces, as well as planners and architects.
Supporting Program
Alongside the comprehensive product display, the supporting program offered visitors extra added value. A new feature this year was the free, specialist forum at the heart of the trade fair action organized by the Verband für Sicherheitstechnik (VfS, Association for Security Technology). In a large number of presentations, industry experts shared their experience and expertise on highly topical issues such as access and vehicle barriers or IoT technologies. They also addressed the focus topic of drone detection and defense.
Wilfried Joswig, Managing Director of the VfS, is very satisfied with the outcome: “The feedback from visitors was very positive. They particularly appreciated the very diverse and topical choice of subjects. The speakers involved also had words of praise for the event, as it allowed them to effectively expand their network at the venue. I am already looking forward to the continuation of this format in two years.” On the second day of Perimeter Protection, the Nuremberg Security Conference also took place on the grounds of Nürnberg Messe, parallel to the exhibition. Expert speakers explored the latest challenges and issues at this event for the private security industry.
The next Perimeter Protection will take place at the Nuremberg exhibition grounds from 18 to 20 January 2022.