Security Systems in the Hospitality Sector 2023
Hotels, casinos, and restaurants differ in many details, as should their security system. In this focus article, GIT SECURITY takes a look at various application scenarios in the hospitality sector.

For the security industry, the hotel and restaurant business is a very diverse market, where customer satisfaction is the primary concern. It must work so smoothly that every guest can relax and does not have to think about it in the first place.
The hospitality industry can be broadly divided into three main areas:
- Accommodations
- Food Services
- Leisure
Point 1 includes accommodations of all kinds – but mainly hotels. Where many guests stay overnight and where they can engage in activities on and around the premises, such as visiting restaurants, bars, sports facilities, swimming pools, etc., there is a lot of diversity in security requirement. It is challenging to secure everything optimally, manage access authorizations and minimize theft. Point 2 and 3, the Food Services Sector and Leisure, are often also directly included in hotels, so these issues must also be considered by the hotel management. However, security differs significantly for all three. Whereas in the hotel special attention must be paid to access control, many leisure themes offer a sophisticated video surveillance system that should monitor all possible processes, as well as license plate and facial recognition. Restaurants are more prone to theft cases.
Handling Doors and Entrances in Hotels
In Hotels, door handling, access rights, and security are so intertwined that hotel managers need a clever solution that is flexible yet safe.
There are many providers of powerful yet flexible access control systems. One of them is the Sesamsec Reader Group. They are offering a hybrid solution that covers both, ID cards and smartphones as identification media.
Another vendor is Südmetall. Their ÜLock-B locks provide security on both sides of the door whereby the protection of human life and the protection of property enter into a synergy. A panic function in the direction of the escape route ensures a safe means of escape in an emergency. The self-locking function ensures that the door otherwise always remains locked. From the outside, the lock offers no surface for attack because the electronics are located in the lock case and the lock has a high resistance against mechanical manipulation. In addition, the data transmission between the lock, RFID card and battery-powered RFID reader is encrypted in the best possible way. This provides optimum protection against burglary.
They can also provide management software: ÜManagement 2.0 is a license-free administration software for access control, with which single objects, but also small to medium-sized hotels or several objects can be administered at the same time. Authorizations and authorization groups/user groups can be assigned to the individual keys via the software. The installation of the software can be either very simple for a single-user version, or on an SQL server for multiple workstations.
Smart building control systems are already in use in many hotels. Schulte-Schlagbaum AG’s hardware and software for keyless access management provide a smart solution for optimized building automation. Access to doors, lockers and protected resources can be controlled from anywhere and everywhere using electronic locking systems. With the SAG Smart Access system, various identification options can be individually selected as needed: via smartphones and Bluetooth, RFID transponders/cards or using a PIN code – these options can also be flexibly combined with each other if desired.
Gemos, the GU Group’s advanced PSIM, combines all the different individual systems into one overall system with its hotel solution. Special security requirements apply to hotels. High flexibility and simple management of locking systems are important criteria and all the more important the larger the hotel. Gemos is designed from the outset for the entire building and combines the functions of the individual trades on one system.

Video Security in Hotels
A survey by Wellness Heaven stated that “luxury hotel larceny is rising precipitously” with mattress theft having increased by 35% in the last three years and television theft rising by 11%.
Well-designed video systems are one of the most effective tools to combat any safety and security risks, especially when they are integrated with other building management and back-of-house systems. In addition, the latest generation of video solutions deliver benefits that provide hotels with a competitive advantage from a business perspective as well. For competitive hotels, video is no longer just used to reduce costs and cut risks, but to improve service delivery and efficiency in a way that is adding competitive value to the customer offering.
For example, AI-powered video analytics can be used for queue and occupancy monitoring to alert managers to divert staff appropriately, as well as heat mapping historic data to understand peak times and streamline operations to guarantee consistency of service.
To read all about how to utilise security tools in the hospitality sector and to evolve and modernize, Idis highlights an educational eBook that can be downloaded on their website.
Another Vendor is VTIS. They are specialized in modern video solutions. They use video technology in various sub-areas to achieve the best solution: High-resolution IP cameras, high-performance and versatile video management systems and video analytics, but also innovative AI applications ensure that premises are reliably secured around the clock.
Their services include:
- DSGVO-compliant video surveillance solution
- Secure a feel-good atmosphere with video surveillance solutions from VTIS
- Safeguard sensitive areas
- Planning and installation by experts
- Preventive security in reception areas
- Secured access
- Protection against vandalism
- Monitoring of parking lots and underground garages
- Anti-theft protection in lobby, luggage and storage areas
- Discreet integration into the hotel environment
All solutions from VTIS for hotels have been field-tested for years and successfully used by numerous companies in this area.
Security for Restaurants: A Virtual Curtain Against Theft
For the restaurants inside of hotels, the RLS-2020I from Optex is an example of compact indoor detection. It uses Lidar technology to provide a customisable “virtual” curtain or plane with a detection area of up to 20x20m. Mounted discreetly on a wall or ceiling, Optex Lidar sensors can create an invisible virtual wall to protect assets by detecting hands or bodies getting too close to the artwork or valuables. It can be set precisely to only protect the assets and leave the section of the wall between them so only the assets are protected, and any contact with the wall section in between doesn’t raise any alarms.
Stanley Security, for example, understands that each restaurant is unique, and therefore there isn’t always a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to security. They work with the customer to design, build and maintain a security system tailored to your restaurant’s individual needs so you can focus on running a successful and safe business.

Security for Casinos: Identification of Bad Actors in Real-time
200,000 Square Feet Casino Upgrades Security System
At 200,000 square feet, River Spirit Casino receives approximately 10,000 guests per day. The environment for security teams is a complex, cross-site operational challenge in managing the identification of bad actors in real-time and under various levels of lighting, occlusions, and face coverings. River Spirit Casino’s security team realized that in order to maintain the property’s reputation, combat thefts, and fraud, maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, and be able to research video footage retrospectively for investigative purposes, facial recognition technology offered numerous benefits.
Upon implementing Oosto OnWatch real-time watchlist alerting to recognize potential security threats, the solution delivered vast efficiencies in operations by ensuring that evicted and banned patrons were immediately identified and apprehended, while security teams were able to better track persons of interest throughout the venue without disruption to guests.
Another example for securing casinos in the leisure sector comes from Milestone Systems. Last year, they launched a new strategy with the ambition of becoming 3 times bigger towards 2026. The journey is aiming to take to a leading position in Video Technology Software in and beyond security. As part of the strategy, Milestone will focus on helping customers’ needs in building industry-specific solutions for companies that go well beyond security. The hospitality industry is one of the key industries for Milestone, and within the hospitality industry they have a particular focus on casinos.
This is what they offer casinos:
- Helping support compliance: The regulation in the casino industry is tough, and video is at the core of it – so Milestone wants to be more active in supporting customers compliance.
- Bring in operational efficiencies: Video operations are very intensive in casinos, and there are a lot of ways they can help save time, optimize tasks, and ensure users can focus on the core of their jobs, and are helped by technology.
- Support the casino business – this is where video technology can bring in value beyond security.
Indigovision also is a supplier of video surveillance specialized in casinos. They have a flexible video surveillance solution and with their distributed architecture, they can add any number of workstations for excellent casino security management. They can even provide access to external regulators. Security officers can focus through a crowd, right to the edge of a table and read the numbers on the cards and the expression on the players’ faces. The surveillance system is so smart it runs at 1 fps when nothing is happening and jumps to 30 fps when it is. The Ultra 2K camera makes security managers feel like they are one of the players. With Smart.core compression the system takes up less space and is easy to operate.