Theme Tour: Video Surveillance

This Theme Tour is supported by: Entertainment and Security both industries shape tomorrows trends. Higher resolution means more detailed pictures. But there are also some a...

This Theme Tour is supported by:


Entertainment and Security – both industries shape tomorrow's trends. Higher resolution means more detailed pictures. But there are also some aspects that one should be aware of:

Every building, every room or outdoor area is different, so the first question should be: Which camera is suitable for one specific area of surveillance? Do you prefer a single very high resolution camera or should it be a multi sensor?

In addition, easy installation is always an advantage – the popular plug-and-play. HD, 4K or 7K? Higher resolution pictures are preferred by many, but in order to produce good quality, lighting conditions need to be considered as well. It is even more complicated: more pixels also need more light: The more pixels, the less light can be captured by the sensor screen, which means that the sensor has to be even more sensitive to light. So, the amount of light at said area is another factor that has to be considered.

High sensitive sensor chips are one solution. But which sensor chip gains the best results or are there different solutions? Why don’t you ask the experts directly at the booths about that?

Another aspect is the amount of data transmitted. More detailed pictures lower the bandwidth capacity. Clever reduction and shifting of data should be considered.

Take inspirations for your personal requirements and challenges. Ask the experts and exhibitors at the booths of the theme tour Video Surveillance. GIT SECURITY suggests:

Video Tour Start: Hall 1
Eyevis - Hall 1.0, Stand 1B22
StolComfort - Hall 1.0, Stand 1B26
Flir - Hall 1.0, Stand 1D39/2.0, Stand 2D14
Dahua - Hall 2.0, Stand 2A06/Halle 3.0, Stand 3D73
Canon Europe - Hall 2.0, Stand 2A16
Axis - Hall 2.0, Stand 2B14
Ingram Micro Hall 2.0, Stand 2D30
Hikvision Europe - Hall 2.0, Stand 2A34
Fujifilm Europe - Hall 2.0, Stand 2A37
Raytec Limited - Hall 2.0, Stand 2B38
Panasonic - Hall 2.0, Stand 2B46
Arecont Vision - Hall 2.0, Stand 2B51
Geutebrück - Hall 2.0, Stand 2C38
SeeTec - Hall 2.0, Stand 2D11
ComNet - Hall 2.0, Stand 2D49
Tisoware - Hall 3.0, Stand 3A03
Automatic Systems - Hall 3.0, Stand 3A72
Uhlmann&Zacher - Hall 3.0, Stand 3B09
Vanderbilt (Hall 3.0, Stand 3B33)
Uniview – Loge

Surveillance System

Of course with video surveillance, it is not only about one single camera, but about a whole system working together. CCTV surveillance systems, for example, can maximise the costs  immensly. A cost effective alternative is proposed by Vanderbilt (Hall 3.0, Stand 3B33): The product range Eventys offers two IP-camera variants of up to H.264+ IP compression efficiency and optimised codec technology, alongside two network video recorders (NVRs). With a simple set up procedure, these products offer very strong functionality and flexibility, and are perfect for small to medium sized installations.

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Security Essen 2016


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Corporate Security

Corporate Security at BMW Group

Corporate Security at BMW Group

GIT SECURITY in conversation with Alexander Klotz, Head of Corporate Security at BMW  Group.

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