26.03.2010 • TopstoriesCameraCam_inPIXCCTV

Video Surveillance for Sparda-Bank

“Friendly fair” – True to that motto the individual private customer is the centre of attention for the Sparda-Bank. In order to ensure that customers feel comfortable and safe a ...

“Friendly & fair” – True to that motto the individual private customer is the centre of attention for the Sparda-Bank. In order to ensure that custo­mers feel comfortable and safe a state-of-the-art video security system is used. When it comes to security the Sparda-Bank Regensburg eG trusts in technology from Dallmeier.


Once upon a time… On Wednesday, May 6th, 1896, the “Spar- und Vorschuss-Verein der badischen Eisenbahnbeamten“, Germany’s first Sparda-Bank, was founded in Karlsruhe. The railroad employees’ idea was to establish their own bank that would allow them to invest money on attractive terms and to take up soft loans if needed. Today, the Sparda banks are a group of 12 regional cooperative banks. Their 6,000 employees are spread out across more than 400 branches and serve a total of almost three million members. Traditionally, the needs of private customers have been at the heart of the banks’ business activities, true to the motto “friendly and fair“. By purchasing cooperative shares the customers of the Sparda banks can become members of their bank and thus not only benefit from attractive conditions but also actively participate in the common business. As a cooperative bank the Sparda Bank first of all serves the interests of its individual members. Customer satisfaction is the top priority. The yearly German consumer study “Kundenmonitor Deutschland” has repeatedly and impressively shown that this goal is continuously achieved. Among the nine banks participating in the study in 2008, the Sparda banks again ranked number one for the sixteenth consecutive time.

Sparda Bank Regensburg Trusts in Dallmeier

The trading area of the Sparda Bank Regensburg eG comprises the regions of the Upper-Palatinate, Lower Bavaria and also parts of Upper Franconia. A total of sixteen branch offices ensure the necessary proximity to the bank‘s customers. Johannes Tegethoff, vice-chairman of the Sparda Bank Regensburg, explains: “The ­Sparda Bank Regensburg eG currently has more than 80,000 members. It is our main priority to satisfy their needs. That also includes a high-quality video surveillance system in order to have evidentiary image material in case of an emergency. That requirement was the reason for us to choose Dallmeier.“ The decision to use the Dallmeier systems was made following extensive testing of the devices. The Sparda Bank Regensburg eG was no longer satisfied with the image quality produced by its cameras. In particular, strong backlighting through glass facades or reflecting tiles had repeatedly caused problems in the past. Therefore, the management of the Sparda Bank tested Dallmeier cameras with Cam_inPIX technology and was excited by the results. Martin Heidenreich, responsible for oganisation/IT, explains: “Whereas in some instances we only saw a person with a black face, we now have high-quality image material which allows us to discern all the important details. That is a major advantage, particularly when it comes to clearly identifying people.” Gradually, the existing cameras within the Sparda Bank‘s trading area are therefore replaced by Dallmeier cameras. Besides other cameras, the high-resolution colour box cameras of the DF3000A-DN model and vandal-resistant dome cameras are used. The module camera MDF3000A-M is ideally suited for the installation in cash dispensers, because despite the heavily tinted pane it delivers detailed image material thanks to its Cam_inPIX technology. Using the Dallmeier ATM installation kit, the camera can quickly and easily be carried out.


Recording on Special Bank Recorders

The existing recording devices will be gradually replaced by the Dallmeier recorders of the DMS 240 model. The DMS 240 Bank is a stand-alone H.264 audio and video recorder with up to 24 analogue channels. Its certifications and specific system parameters make the DMS 240 Bank an optimal device for the use in banks. The BG test certificate “UVV Kassen”, for instance, guarantees a high quality standard of the digital recording devices for the use in banks and financial institutions. Furthermore, the DMS 240 has the Kalagate/LGC certificate, which means that the recorded image material can be used for evidence in courts of law. Also, the device is tested according to DIN EN 50130-4. The various settings of the bank-specific software allow for the ideal configuration of the recorder for different applications and areas of use in the cashier‘s office, the vault and foyer. The integration of external data, for example from cash dispensers, cash registers or access control systems can optionally be carried out without any problems via the Dallmeier Network Interface DNI. The connection of the ATM to the recorder gives the user a variety of search functions, for instance by reference to bank account numbers. If an incident should occur, the recorded image material can thus quickly and efficiently be carried out. Also, the Dallmeier Sedor technology offers additional security through an automatic camera sabotage protection (turning, covering, focus change and spray painting). Moreover, the DMS 240 Bank offers the possibility of a so-called ATM activity survey. Thereby, the recorder checks whether transactions take place at the cash dispenser. Should there be no transactions during the selected period of time a message will be sent. That mechanism prevents that the recording accidently and unnoticeably fails, for example during the conversion of ATM protocols (which happens every now and then), and ensures that important image data are available if needed.


User-friendly Operation

The control of the system and the evaluation of the data is carried out via the PView software. Mr Heidenreich initially had some concerns about integrating a third-party software into the system. However, those concerns could be dispelled by the numerous certifications and network approvals such as Fiducia. After some tests of the new software had been conducted, Mr Heidenreich was totally convinced: “The software is highly intuitive and extremely easy to use. Therefore, the search for relevant sequences is very fast and easy!”


On-site Support

The installation and commissioning is carried out by the system installer Harvolk IT. The specialised installer has been a competent Dallmeier partner for many years and has extensive professional knowledge at its disposal. Wolfgang Harvolk, managing director at Harvolk IT: “I have known the Dallmeier devices for many years and based on my positive experience I gladly recommend them. And whenever new products or technologies are launched, Dallmeier offers extensive training so that we are always up to date and capable of providing optimal advice and support to the customers.” The Sparda Bank Regensburg eG particularly appreciates the twenty-four-seven service and the fact that there is always a contact nearby. Martin Heidenreich says: “Back in the day, we often had to wait days for support until the responsible contact would come happen to be in the area. It is a whole different story with the Dallmeier system: Whenever we have a question or a smaller problem, Mr Harvolk is immediately on site, mostly even on the same day. The fast reaction times are a real advantage for us, because sometimes renovations have to be carried out on relatively short notice and so the video security system needs to be modified accordingly. With Harvolk IT and Dallmeier we have found ideal partners who react flexibly to our requirements. That is just great!”


GSA 2026

Closing Date: March 31



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Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"
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Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"

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