13.09.2012 • TopstoriesRainer HannichVIP-Couch

VIP-Couch: Rainer Hannich, Central Safety Officer of Nord/LB (Norddeutsche Landesbank)

VIP-Couch: Rainer Hannich, Central Safety Officer of Nord/LB (Norddeutsche Landesbank) Your career ambitions at 20 were?To be a banker. What made you take on a position in the sa...

Rainer Hannich, Central Safety Officer of Nord/LB (Norddeutsche Landesbank)
Rainer Hannich, Central Safety Officer of Nord/LB (Norddeutsche Landesbank)

VIP-Couch: Rainer Hannich, Central Safety Officer of Nord/LB (Norddeutsche Landesbank)

Your career ambitions at 20 were?
To be a banker.

What made you take on a position in the safety field?
An offer by the bank and the chance to have an early start in a career with interesting perspectives.

Which decision or project concerning safety and security should, in your opinion, have been realised a long time ago?
To define (technical) standards so that biometric systems can be properly implemented (when and for what purpose).

Which reform do you admire the most?
That the lawmakers have begun with the long overdue deregulation of occupational protection/safety at work - although there is still much to be done.

Who do you think deserves an award?
All those who unselfishly work so hard for the socially weak and disadvantaged and thereby take a significant personal load on themselves.

What makes you feel happy?
To spend a lovely day with the family and/or friends.

How do you relax?
Reading, walking, badminton, cycling.

Which holiday resort can you recommend?
Lacanau-Océan (French Atlantic coast).

Your hero/heroine of your childhood days was?

How would a good friend characterise you?
With a strong character, reliable, communicative, conservative.

What do you like about yourself?
That I am open and have the will power to achieve something.

Which book have you read recently?
Illuminati by Dan Brown.

What is your favourite kind of music?
Rock-Pop from the 60s, 70s and 80s.

What motivates you?
To have convinced somebody, spontaneous thanks or praise, constructive criticism.

What worries you?

That humanity no longer has a sufficient value in corporate culture. That in spite of being in the often-quoted „Age of communication“ (mobile ‚phone, e-mail) the ‚real communication‘ is being forgotten.

A motto of yours could be?
Doing right and talking about it.

The best invention in the field of safety and security to your mind is?
Simple, cheap but effective fire detectors for everyone. They protect human life and material possessions.

Your present frame of mind is?
Relaxed, always open for new things, excited about the near future.

About Rainer Hannich (53)

  • He has been responsible for Safety and Security as well as data protection since 1982. 
  • As a company data protection officer, he heads an inter-company working group for bank security, and is also co-publisher of a specialised book called ‘Security Protection Measures for Credit Institutes’. 
  • Rainer Hannich is married and has three children.


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