W.I.S. Holding GmbH: video analysis and vein-pattern identification for DHL Air Hub Leipzig
W.I.S. Holding GmbH: video analysis and vein-pattern identification for DHL Air Hub Leipzig. DHL, the international market leader in express shipping, overland, and air cargo trans...

W.I.S. Holding GmbH: video analysis and vein-pattern identification for DHL Air Hub Leipzig. DHL, the international market leader in express shipping, overland, and air cargo transport, is constructing its largest European air freight hub at Leipzig/Halle Airport. The innovative security systems at Air Hub Leipzig were installed by W.I.S. Holding.
One of Three Global Hubs
Until this spring, the European interface of DHL, the logistics subsidiary of the Deutsche Post and operator of the world‘s largest express and logistics network, was still in Brussels. However, this hub was relocated when DHL opened its new air cargo hub at the central German Leipzig/ Halle Airport in spring 2008. Along with Hong Kong in Asia and Wilmington in the USA, the “DHL Air Hub Leipzig“ will be the central hub of the company‘s global network.
With the construction starting in 2006, the new Leipzig DHL site, an ultra-modern logistics centre with imposing dimensions, has been built on one of the largest building sites in Europe. The hangar alone has an area of 23,000 m2 and there are parking places for 52 aircraft on the apron. The distribution centre has an area of 48,000 m2. There is also an administration building and the hub has its own rail freight connection. The heart of the new air hub is the large sorting facility, which is 4.1 km long.
Since spring, 50 DHL cargo aircraft arrive in Leipzig every day, and every night up to 2,000 t of freight are transferred and forwarded to destinations throughout the world. By the year 2012, DHL will have created 3,500 new jobs here and Deutsche Post is investing a total of €300 million in this large-scale project.
Security over IP as a Complete Solution
The size and complexity of the Leipzig DHL centre sets new standards. This is also true of the security technology which is installed there. For the complex video system, access control and intruder alarm systems, the visitor management system and voice communication system, DHL made great demands on the technology to be used.
Highest priority was given to the aspects of availability, flexibility, and system security. Whereas in other companies data transfer in the security technology is often still implemented using analogue methods, the Deutsche Post group security specialists chose a new approach, employing Security over IP, a complete digital solution.
After an extensive conception phase, in which DHL and W.I.S. closely cooperated and tested various security models, W.I.S. developed the core of the security technology, the Security Management System (SMS), to which all security systems are linked. In the air hub, all applications are linked to a central database, which means that access control data, burglar alarms, technical messages and voice communication are all handled by the same security network (TC/IP).
This also applies to all video information, which is communicated with a very high definition and with above-average image quality using a very low band width. The security network, which includes over 1,500 components, is distinguished by two performance features which are essential for security management: based on Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) it has almost 100 % breakdown protection which is additionally supported by Hot Standby for all central system areas, and VLAN and the network management guarantee aboveaverage data security and tamper protection.
Reduced Installation Costs
Security over IP provides further decisive advantages. Firstly, the cost benefit is obvious during installation: by the use of Power over Ethernet (PoE), the electricity and emergency power supply is provided by one single cable. This also ensures that in case of future extension of the building, the security system can be cheaply adapted.
New Flexibility
The network solution also allows revolutionary flexibility in the bundling and expansion of its individual components. In contrast to conventional analogue solutions, all IP components, e. g. cameras on different floors or in different buildings can easily be united into any chosen groups and new components can be added. Expensive software installation is completely avoided by the use of standards.
In addition, in the large air hub facility, functions which are often still performed manually elsewhere are carried out from a central security room. Over 600 installed IP cameras and IP domes can be individually parameterised or their direction adjusted while they are operating.
Next Generation Video Analysis
Further challenges emerged from the Deutsche Post group security requirements: the electronic monitoring of aircraft and freight on the apron placed particular demands on the tailor-made security system. In view of the complex area of the air hub, W. I.S. and DHL decided on a high performance and highly intelligent innovation: high-performance video analysis sensors. Not only can this new technology monitor an area of Positive and rapid identification – the vein scanner up to 100 x 100 m with only one sensor, it is equipped with artificial intelligence.
It sees objects in 3D, and not only identifies intruders, but understands their behaviour patterns and accordingly tracks the relevant persons and vehicles automatically. It can also recognise stray objects e.g. freight consignments or items of luggage and report them by switching the image to the SMS. This system is also distinguished by its exceptional reliability. Due to their intelligent advanced algorithms, the sensors function almost completely without false alarms.
The result: the requirement for human monitoring of the apron area is considerably reduced by the use of this technology.
Optimum Verification of Persons
For DHL and W.I.S. it was obvious that a biometric system should be used for the access control of the Air Hub. However, the key factor for biometric systems is their usability, i.e. the percentage of the adult population which is able to use such a system. With common fingerprint systems the usability is about 95 % – basically too low for the high security level in Leipzig. In addition, the results of the first trial runs by DHL proved unsatisfactory.
Together, Norbert Pieper, Corporate Security Deutsche Post, and W.I.S. found an innovative solution in the form of vein pattern readers, which analyse the structure of the blood vessels in the back of the hand using infra-red technology. This technology, which was developed in Asia and has been used there for several years with great success, has up to now been almost unknown in Germany.
Its usability is about 99.98 %, and the verification of the person is performed in just 0.4 seconds, ensuring that staff can enter quickly. Because there is no necessity for physical contact, the technology is highly suited to the harsh production environment, with excellent performance over long periods of time.
High Coordination Performance
As complex and tailor-made to the individual requirements of DHL as the security system was at the planning stage, the coordination and communication was equally demanding during its implementation. As the central security interface, the W.I.S. team implemented quick changes and additional functions at the request of the client, and was in continuous contact with the main and sub-contractors involved.
The concluding test phase proved this to have been a success. Prior to the launch of operation, DHL Air Hub Leipzig Security subjected the entire security system to extensive tests, which stretched the system‘s ability to the limits. The system proved to be able to master these extreme stress tests, and therefore guarantee perfect functioning even in exceptional situations.
“We needed dependable, competent, and above all creative and solutions-focussed partners for this demanding project, and we found them with W.I.S.,“ is Norbert Pieper‘s assessment of the cooperation.
Frank Pokropp
W.I.S. Holding GmbH & Co. KG,
Cologne, Germany
Tel.: +49 2236 37 1118