Zoom In On Product Quality
IPS Alpha Technology makes it a top priority to keep the workplace safe for both products and people. A clean production facility is essential for running operations smoothly. Usin...

IPS Alpha Technology makes it a top priority to keep the workplace safe for both products and people. A clean production facility is essential for running operations smoothly. Using special Ansell gloves in the company's new hi-tech factory in the Czech Republic helps reduce risks.
IPS Alpha Technology Europe manufactures LCD modules for flat screen TV. The company was established in Japan in 2005 as a joint venture of three major television manufacturers, Matsushita, Toshiba and Hitachi, to supply high-quality crystal panels for their products. To cover the booming European market for flat-screen televisions, IPS Alpha has opened a new production plant in the Czech Republic with almost 1,500 employees. Once produced, the panels are then built into the televisions by the manufacturers themselves.
The Challenge: Maintain a Clean Production Environment
For IPS Alpha, the safety of its workforce is as important as the safety of its products. All production is carried out a 'clean-room' environment. A clean-room is an area in which the air quality, temperature and humidity are closely regulated and monitored in order to protect the sensitive equipment from contamination. This type of environment is vital when working with highly sensitive technologies such as flat-screen televisions. Clean-rooms are rated according to the size of particles larger than 0.5 microns in any given cubic foot of air. For the same reasons of quality, people working in clean-rooms are required to wear special protective clothing that does not shed lint and which also prevents particles of human skin and hair from entering the atmosphere in the room. "The slightest contamination in the production process can reduce perfectly good equipment to worthless scrap," says Michal Zabusek, Production Manager at IPS Alpha. "Not to mention the loss of time and money."
A Partner With Vision
With the constant need to stay focused on protection, it is reassuring to be able to rely on the support of a professional supplier who not only knows your needs, but who also works closely with you in finding the right solution for all your requirements. Ansell acts as a genuine partner, not only by advising which gloves to use, but also by developing new and enhanced gloves in conjunction with IPS Alpha. Each type of glove used is tested and monitored regularly for usage, wear and results. Analysis of these results provides the advice needed to ensure that the electronic goods IPS Alpha manufactures are properly protected. The safety of goods is one thing, of course, but management is also constantly looking for ways to protect its employees from injury. As in any factory, goods handling and packing are an integral part of the overall production process at IPS Alpha. It is Ansell's responsibility to help find the right balance between keeping the company's staff safe and ensuring products are made and remain in perfect condition. "With over 130,000 gloves used every month, it is essential to have a partner you can count on," says Mr Zabusek. "We have looked at a number of other suppliers, but Ansell always comes out as the best choice. They deliver the added value we need to make the right decision regarding gloves for every task." More that 90% of the workforce wears protective clothing of some type at IPS Alpha's Czech factory, so it is important to encourage everyone to use gloves. And to make employees fully understand the need for protective wear, Ansell provides personalised training courses, as well as training videos and posters to be displayed in the work area. As a responsible partner, Ansell also provides assistance whenever there are problems or questions. The local sales manager and product support people are available at all times. "It is not uncommon for us to receive urgent deliveries from Ansell Brussels to keep our glove stocks up to the required level," adds Mr Zabusek. "I'm sure we would not have received the same level of quality and service had we opted for a glove supplier other than Ansell. They are really the best!"
Benefits: Quality, Advice and Greater Productivity
"In Ansell we have found an excellent partner who understands our business and the issues that go with it," says Mr Zabusek. "We are more than satisfied with their products and services and if I had to rate them, I would give them a score of 120%!"