12.07.2017 • VideosWagner

Business Debate of Intelligent Fire Protection Solutions with Wagner

In spring 2017 Carl Bryan, Managing Director, Wagner UK was welcomed to the London Stock Exchange Studios by presenter Sarah Locket to discuss the latest generation of fire protect...

Carl Bryan, Managing Director Wagner, presents intelligent fire protection...
Carl Bryan, Managing Director Wagner, presents intelligent fire protection solutions to audience of the Business Debate

In spring 2017 Carl Bryan, Managing Director, Wagner UK was welcomed to the London Stock Exchange Studios by presenter Sarah Locket to discuss the latest generation of fire protection concepts.
During the interview Carl Bryan explained the concept behind active fire prevention with oxygen reduction and where Wagner’s oxygen reduction systems are useful to install in. Aim of the interview was also to clear up with prejudices against hypoxia and working in oxygen reduced areas.

The interview published online for The Times and The Wall Street Journal, forms part of a series of interviews where organisations put forward their visions for the future and of their business but at the same time have an open conversation, where the why behind visions and their direction can be answered.

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30853 Langenhagen

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Closing Date: March 31



Artificial Intelligence

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"
part one of a three-part interview series

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"

In part one Pierre Racz, President of Genetec, is addressing why IP network video systems were the game changer in the industry and why he does not like the term AI.

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