C-Tec creates new Evacuation Alert Video

Life-safety systems manufacturer, C-Tec, has created a new Evacuation Alert Systems video.

Aimed at anyone involved in residential fire safety, the animated video shows exactly how Evacuation Alert Systems can be used to assist the Fire and Rescue Services evacuate all or part of a high-rise residential building in an emergency situation.

Engaging, educational and fast-moving, the video highlights how devices in individual flats can be programmed to evacuate residents on a zone by zone basis in an emergency should stay put/defend in place fail.

Said Andy Green, C-Tec’s Marketing Manager: “New recommendations in the Grenfell Tower Enquiry Report and the new BS 8629 code of practice for evacuation alert systems for use by fire and rescue services in buildings containing flats means the demand for evacuation alert systems is rising.

“Our new 2-minute video provides an excellent overview of why, where and how they are used and is timed to coincide with the launch of Evac-Alert, a new evacuation alert system specifically designed by C-Tec to meet the requirements of BS 8629.”

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*C-TEC (Computionics Limited)

Challenge Way
WN5 0LD Martland Park, Wigan

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