Vendor-neutral PSIM

For more than 20 years, Advancis has been offering an integrated solution. More than 20 years of experience, over 1,400 realized installations in different application sectors, wo...

Advancis: WinGuard PSIM Physical Security Information Management
Advancis: WinGuard PSIM Physical Security Information Management

For more than 20 years, Advancis has been offering an integrated solution.

More than 20 years of experience, over 1,400 realized installations in different application sectors, worldwide representations and numerous certified integration partners make Advancis one of the international market leaders in vendor-neutral PSIM (Physical Security Information Management).

Founded in 1994 as a regional software manufacturer, the company pioneered with regard to cross-domain security management. From the very beginning, vendor-neutrality has been the decisive advantage of the WinGuard system, as the total security, building, communication and IT infrastructure can be integrated in WinGuard. The user in the control centre is enabled to detect all situations in the surveilled building or perimeter in an optimal way, being efficiently supported in event processing by WinGuard.

The formula for success is the continuous development of WinGuard by innovative ideas, directly at the Advancis headquarters in Germany (Langen/Frankfurt). Customer requirements are efficiently realized. Focus of development always is on ease of use during daily operation and for configuration.

WinGuard: Organize your security centrally and user-friendly

WinGuard is an open software platform linking diverse security, building management and communication systems of different manufacturers.

Proprietary interfaces enable transfer of event messages as well as comprehensive control of all linked systems. All system states are collectively displayed in only one user interface. The user profits from a uniform and intuitive operation of a wide variety of different systems. In addition, WinGuard offers program-guided instructions for event processing – for a quick and secure management of the situation.

Using WinGuard as centralized management system reduces purchasing and maintenance costs for other control units as well as personnel and training costs. The modular extensibility of WinGuard offers high investment protection. Due to individually adapted modules for particular functions, systems, workflows or verticals, WinGuard also responds to specific requirements. A comprehensive, complex global solution that is still easy to operate: No contradiction at all for WinGuard.

Recent innovations: The most important features of the latest version WinGuard X4

  • Up-to-date 64 bit architecture offers increased performance and stability
  • Highest security due to latest encryption of the database and network connection
  • Safely stored signatures protect all files from unauthorized access
  • Segmentation of large installations, improving both security and performance

Read the full product catalogue as a PDF dowload here.

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Advancis Software & Services GmbH

Monzastr. 1
63225 Langen

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