Video raises awareness on health and safety and working conditions

A video on occupational safety and health was released by the European Commission to accompany the launch of the new Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work (2014-2020). T...

A video on occupational safety and health was released by the European Commission to accompany the launch of the new Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work (2014-2020). The Framework Strategy aims at identifying the best instruments to make workplaces a safer place for all workers in Europe.



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GSA 2025



The winners for GSA 2025 were chosen by readers, market participants, fans and partners in seven categories.

Artificial Intelligence

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"
part one of a three-part interview series

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"

In part one Pierre Racz, President of Genetec, is addressing why IP network video systems were the game changer in the industry and why he does not like the term AI.

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