01.10.2010 • VideosCCTVDallmeierHDTV

VideoNetBox: The versatile video all-rounder for your network (chapter 1)

The VideoNetBox is a compact full HDTV hybrid server. Besides full HDTV cameras it is also capable of managing conventional IP cameras and analogue cameras. The VNB can be used as ...

The VideoNetBox is a compact full HDTV hybrid server. Besides full HDTV cameras it is also capable of managing conventional IP cameras and analogue cameras. The VNB can be used as a pure multifunctional video server and streamer in a network, but is furthermore able to record in H.264 format using appropriate hard disks. Through individual configuration options you get exactly the VideoNetBox you need, one that is perfectly adjusted to your requirements and your network infrastructure (MyVideoNetBox...). The VNB offers full functionality within a small housing.

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