Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co.KG

Flachsmarktstr. 8
32825 Blomberg

Contact WebSite

Der Stammsitz von Phoenix Contact ist in Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen. Von hier aus pflegen wir Kontakte in die gesamte Welt. Zur Phoenix Contact-Gruppe Deutschland gehören sieben Unternehmen.


Phoenix Contact AXL E PS IOLS4/4 IO-Link Safety - GSA25 Finalist
27.05.2024 • ProductSafety

Phoenix Contact AXL E PS IOLS4/4 IO-Link Safety - GSA25 Finalist

With the IO-Link Safety Master (AXL E PS IOLS4/4), functional safety is included in the point-to-point connection of IO-Link.

Creation of Safety-Related Application Software: Practical Examples for Familiarization with Handling
15.05.2023 • TopstoriesSafety

Creation of Safety-Related Application Software: Practical Examples for Familiarization with Handling

Safety-related application software plays a crucial role when it comes to the reliability of the installed safety technology. The Softema software tool provides valuable assistance during the development of this software. Phoenix Contact offers corresponding services for familiarization with the handling of this tool.

Know-How in Safety Part 1:  Safety Meets Security
02.09.2019 • WhitepaperSafety

Know-How in Safety Part 1: Safety Meets Security

In our series Know-How in Safety you can refresh your basic knowledge. What is the tension between functional safety and cyber security? How do you manage to develop strategies to ...