Booth Events: Protective Fog in a Glass Cabin

27.09.2016, 10 am 5 pm, Hall 1.0 / 1D38Every hour, a glass cabin will be filled with protective smoke. One volunteer can directly witness the obscuring effect the smoke provides a...

27.09.2016, 10 am – 5 pm, Hall 1.0 / 1D38

Every hour, a glass cabin will be filled with protective smoke. One volunteer can directly witness the obscuring effect the smoke provides and is rewarded with a small prize. The event will be discussed and presented on stage at the booth of Secteo GmbH.

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Security Essen 2016


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12.04.2024 • NewsSecurity

Secutech Thailand 2024 Confirms Dates

Organisers of Secutech Thailand have confirmed that the 2024 edition will return to the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, from 30 October to 1 November 2024.