British Security Industry Association: compliance with European Standards deferred

British Security Industry Association: compliance with European Standards deferred. An industry statement has deferred until further notice the adoption by the industry of BS EN 50...

British Security Industry Association: compliance with European Standards deferred. An industry statement has deferred until further notice the adoption by the industry of BS EN 50131-1:2006.

The statement is supported by the British Security Industry Association (BSIA), the Insurers’ Property Crime Research Group (IPCres), the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) and the Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board (SSAIB).

BSIA Technical Director, Alex Carmichael, comments: “The introduction of new European Standards for intruder alarms has proved to be a continuing challenge for the industry and so a decision to delay the adoption of the standards has been made. This should ensure stability for the industry and its customers until such a time as the standards have been developed further and can be formally adopted.”

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