27.04.2011 • NewsBSIAsecurity training

BSIA: Training providers group launched

BSIA has launched a dedicated group within its membership for companies that supply training services to the security industry in the UK. The group met earlier this month for the f...

BSIA has launched a dedicated group within its membership for companies that supply training services to the security industry in the UK. The group met earlier this month for the first time to discuss objectives and the way forward, and currently consists of existing BSIA members as well as companies new to the Association.

Paul Tennent, an existing member of the BSIA, was voted Chairman of the Training Providers Group at the meeting, and commented on its formation: "In order for the security industry to be able to successfully carry out its important role in securing businesses as well as the general public and the national infrastructure, it is essential that security personnel are consistently receiving the highest standard of training across the board. This, however, is not always the case, and for this reason the BSIA Training Providers Group was formed."

Paul continues: "The Group is keen on liaising with fellow training providers, colleges, security companies, trade organisations and the Government to improve the standard of training offered in the industry. Being part of the BSIA means the group will be able to access the wealth of knowledge and connections the Association has within the industry and Government, allowing us to drive standards, increase professionalism and act as the voice of the sector."

Companies wishing to find out more about the section can contact Daren Wood, Membership Manager at the BSIA, by emailing D.Wood@bsia.co.uk



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