19.12.2013 • NewsHikvision

Iraqi Security Industry Rebounds with Hikvision Solutions

Obviously, Iraq has gone through a great deal of upheaval in its recent history. Where much of its infrastructure was damaged by the first Gulf War in the early 90s, 2003's second ...

Iraqi Security Industry Rebounds with Hikvision Solutions

Obviously, Iraq has gone through a great deal of upheaval in its recent history. Where much of its infrastructure was damaged by the first Gulf War in the early 90s, 2003's second Gulf War had a far more crippling effect.

Ahmed Shakir, CEO at the Iraqi-based security integrator Khairat Annabaa, explained: "After 2003, the private security industry was dealt a variety of problems; however the lack of IT professionals really affected our ability to provide modern solutions and modern security for our businesses." However, with a decade's worth of hard work and dedication, both Iraq, and its businesses, are starting to bounce back. Mr. Shakir noted that the private security sector is beginning to thrive and Hikvision products are a growing presence in this revival.

Professional Security
For over 20 years, many private Iraqi businesses relied on an armed guard for security purposes. While this does provide a basic level of security, it also has a great many drawbacks and shortcomings. A guard is far from a comprehensive solution. However, with the revival of professional solutions, its benefits have extended beyond solely better protection for a particular business. Khairat Annabaa's fuel storage distribution center project in Iraq's Amarah City illustrates this point.

Utilizing Hikvision's DS-2DF1-716 IR Network Speed Dome Camera, DS-2CD8254-EIS Network Bullet Camera, DS-2CD2012-I Network Bullet Camera, DS- 1100KI Keyboard, and DS-9616NI-SH NVR, this Amarah City solution not only provided an upgrade over guards, but also:

• Help Build Security Infrastructure
• Improve Overall Security
• Promote Tourism

Building Security Infrastructure
Khairat Annabaa was initially an IT company. Now, through the improvement in both Iraqi infrastructure and economy, the time was ripe for Khairat Annabaa to use its IT knowhow and move into the security industry. Mr. Shakir noted, "The emergence of better Internet capacity, namely WiFi, has provided a great opportunity in the security industry for us."

Specifically, WiFi has greatly lowered the cost for solutions. In this fuel distribution center project, Hikvision's DS-2DF1-716 IR Network Speed Dome Cameras are placed on exterior towers to view the adjacent road; and utilizing its 30x optical zoom and 80m IR range functions, the license plates on cars entering the facility.

Additionally, the DS-2CD8254-EIS and DS-2CD2012-I Network Bullet Cameras are placed at specific fixed locations - such as critical areas such the primary fuel storage area - and along the borders to provide broader perimeter security. Both models can be as close as 100 meters or as far away as 4 kilometers from Hikvision's DS-9616NI-SH NVR. For both camera models, WiFi makes this solution economically viable and provides the ability for managers and security personnel to access these cameras in their own offices; thereby providing an easier, cheaper, and more efficient solution. Additionally, Hikvision's DS- 1100KI Keyboard benefits by allowing 255 cameras to be used by 1 keyboard, and the ability to automatically utilize the cameras' zoom function on this keyboard.

Improving Overall Security & Terrorism Concerns
This fuel depot represents an important link in the overall Iraqi fuel supply chain. As a vital component to the economy, this site requires a suitable solution to the importance it holds. Located on the main road between Amarah and Basurah, and near a logistically-important bridge for this road, this location is of obvious importance. However, the special nature of this specific site brings additional concern. Not only are important roads, bridges, and this fuel depot at this location, but also a thriving community with homes and an elementary school.

By utilizing WiFi to inexpensively link Hikvision cameras to Hikvision's DS-9616NI-SH NVR and managerial /security offices across great distances, this solution also provides improved overall security for the community at large.

Concurrently, this solution has "greatly reduced issues of terrorism. Now, with these Hikvision cameras monitoring not only the station, but the surrounding area, the community is much safer. This applies to common crime, but also to possible terrorism issues. Earlier, without cameras and WiFi, there wasn't a deterrent. Now, with these cameras and 8 hard disks of NVR hard-drive storage to record incidents, we can provide proactive safety measures," explained Mr. Shakir. With Hikvision and Khairat Annabaa's IT abilities, Amarah City's fuel storage distribution center gained more than a simple solution. It gained a solution that provides protection - and civic stability.


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